
Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)

Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery) information and procedures. View patient before and after pictures of rhinoplasty. For many people, a prominent, asymmetric, bumpy or undesirable nose leads to extreme self-consciousness. One of the most common of all cosmetic procedures, rhinoplasty is used to improve the appearance and possibly the function of the nose.

If you’re considering rhinoplasty, the following information will provide you with a good introduction to the procedure.

Rhinoplasty can correct a variety of conditions including an over-sized nose, a hump on the bridge, an undesirable shape of the nasal tip or a narrow or wide span of the nostrils. Both frontal and profile views of the nose are corrected to complement other facial features, and to provide a balance of proportions. Rhinoplasty can also be used to correct for breathing problems caused by narrow or partially obstructed nostrils.

If you are self-conscious about your nose, this surgery can open up new possibilities for changing your appearance and your self-image. Rhinoplasty can be performed under a general anesthetic or with local anesthetic, depending on what you and your surgeon prefer. Incisions are made inside the rim of the nostrils. Sometimes, tiny, inconspicuous incisions are also made on the rim of the nose. Soft tissues of the nose are then separated from the underlying structures, and the cartilage and bone causing the deformity are reshaped.

The exact nature of that sculpting depends on your particular problem, and should be discussed at the consultation. If the nose is being reduced in size, the nasal bones are carefully fractured toward the conclusion of the procedure. Breathing problems may be improved by a procedure called septoplasty, in which the obstructions are removed. Another type of soft-tissue surgery, alar narrowing, is used to adjust the width of the nostrils.

There are two major ways to perform a rhinoplasty: the closed and the open techniques. The open technique includes an incision across the colummella, the small skin between the two nostrils. One major advantage of this technique is the ability to completely visualize the internal structures of the nose, and place sutures precisely where they may be required. With this type of rhinoplasty, the swelling takes significantly longer to subside and some of the tissues may be unnecessarily disrupted. The scar is most often quite small and fades rapidly. The closed technique does not require an external incision, heals more quickly and does not disturb the tissues as much as the open technique.

If the nose is being reduced in size, a splint will have been applied and the nose will be packed lightly with a medicated gauze. Sometimes, only tape supports the nose while it is healing. The stitches are self-absorbing and do not require removal.

If an incision is made across the columnella, or vertical strip of tissue separating the nostrils, skin stitches are placed which require removal in 3-5 days. The need to do this is usually identified and discussed fully prior to the procedure, and is usually necessary in only about 5-10% of people.

There will be some swelling and stuffiness for several weeks, but patients usually resume normal light activity after a few days. It will take several weeks before the nose is completely healed to allow full physical activity.

Listino prezzi servizi

Trapianto di capelli Price
Meno di 1.000 trapianti 2,500 USD
Vagina Price
Riparazione posteriore 3,000 USD
Vaginoplastica "Tecnica Colon sigmoideo” (intervento secondario per allungare il 12,000 USD
Riduzione Labioplastica 2,500 USD
Labbro e Rinoplastica Price
Chirurgia per Labbro leporino 2,500 USD
Riparazione di palato 2,500 USD
Ristrutturazione volumetrica del labbro 1,500 USD
Rinoplastica con impianto ePiallatura dell'osso nasale 2,500 USD
Correzione delle rughe Price
Botox: zampe di gallina, fronte eglabella per bottle: 650 USD
Iniezione di Restylane per syringe: 650 USD
Iniezione di Perlane per syringe: 650 USD
Naso Price
Rinoplastica Aumentata senza Piallatura 1,500 USD
Rinoplastica Aumentata con Piallatura 2,500 USD
Alaplasty (equilibrio di punta del naso) 1,200 USD
Correzione della gobba su naso 2,500 USD
Piallatura o la ricostruzione 3,500 USD
Viso Price
Il lifting del viso (Face lift) (zona zigomi, zona guance, parte laterale del guanciale ed il collo) 4,900 USD
Lifting di Fronte o sopracciglio via endoscopia 3,500 USD
Lifting medio facciale 3,900 USD
Lifting Collo 3,000 USD
Mento Price
Mento aumentato 2,500 USD
Spostamento del mento (Spostamento l'osso della mascella) 3,500 USD
Chirurgia delle palpebre Price
Doppia palpebra 1,500 USD
Blefaroplastica superiore 1,500 USD
Blefaroplastica inferiore 1,900 USD
Chirurgia del seno Price
Aumento del seno 3,200 USD
Riduzione del seno 4,900 USD
Sollevamento del seno 4,500 USD
Addome (addominoplastica) Price
Lipectomia addominale (addominoplastica o la chirurgia plastica addominale) 4,700 USD
Orecchio Price
Orecchie a sventola 2,500 USD
Mandibola (chirurgia mascella) Price
Resezione di angolo 3,500 USD
Iniezioni di Botox per ridurre i muscoli della mascella su entrambi i lati per bottle: 650 USD
Liposuzione Price
Primo punto 1,900 USD
Punto seguente 700 USD
Intervento di riassegnazione del sesso Price
Vaginoplastica "Tecnica Scrotal Graft" (Innesto Cutaneo Scrotale) 10,000 USD
Vaginoplastica "Tecnica Colon sigmoideo” 15,500 USD
Ingrandimento della natica o dell'anca 4,700 USD
Guancia Price
Creazione fossette 1,500 USD per side
Impianti zigomi 3,000 USD
Riduzione zigomi 3,500 USD
Pomo d'Adamo Price
Riduzione Pomo D’Adamo 1,900 USD